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oct1 oct2 oct3 oct4 oct5 oct6 oct7 oct8 oct9 oct10 oct11 oct12 oct13 oct14 oct15 oct16 oct17 oct18 oct19 Turn it up a notch znikev igcxhe iktpvr fzrame zmosok zetoir zzihna azpgps extra something spangram kick zing fizz pizzazz oomph verve spark oct20 Make yourself at home eclolf ririoe ngfrmh etneps rtoila omanvc letise balofa living room spangram fireplace shelf sofa recliner ottoman table oct21 We're in this together koemra cldisw fchorp srouol gkpnme ntolac oaynor ckphed group name spangram flock school pride swarm knot pack colony herd oct22 Cool color! coatru ebleaz lnwire kilbhp seuent tyvaei urisgd quooni the blues spangram indigo turquoise navy periwinkle cobalt azure oct23 On the road sopryi tetoue daffil trumcd mbsnps terggi icuseo nortnc traffic signs spangram bump detour stop yield merge construction oct24 My cup of tea ovmert leapum ncspne aoaepg nmlcmc niahoa caeamr nisiad masala chai spangram pepper nutmeg cardamom clove cinnamon anise oct25 Make some noise! metnra kaoukb wquwrg setsdn pusoul qeagrw srukio rpchpr pet sounds spangram meow squawk grunt bark squeak purr chirp growl oct26 oct27 Best of the best ileacr fhidea ecepmr kefcti proppa ilrcss ttytal erparc perfect pair spangram cream crop head class life party pick litter oct28 Fall fun snpmds ikuire eamphy zrhada oucgrs tcnhup rsiopl eddaes orchards spangram pumpkins hayrides maze doughnuts cider apples oct29 You and me iontei naokst ompgce ecekib rnster tshdfi preeie anrsnd togetherness spangram companion partner sidekick friend bestie oct30 How sweet! cilcto eoaeef cirnof opdyhc pltsco iloalg orpteu leordm candy store spangram licorice lollipop toffee chocolate gumdrop oct31 Trick or treat! ipstnc aroies tghrus ceptcm poslen numowh ikpmtc mumyiw costumes spangram pirate ghost princess pumpkin mummy clown witch