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oct1 blue fast-moving water (cascade, current, rapid, wave) green fitness (condition, form, health, shape) yellow flustered state (lather, stew, sweat, tizzy) purple dishwasher cycles (normal, quick, rinse, sanitize) oct2 yellow put on the line (bet, chance, gamble, risk) green use a kitchen knife (cube, dice, julienne, slice) blue robert de niro films (casino, heat, joker, taxi driver) purple distinctive number of arms (or lack thereof) (octopus, shiva, slot machine, venus de milo) oct3 green care for a plant (fertilize, pot, prune, water) blue items sold in pairs (bookend, earbud, ski, sock) yellow beverages (juice, milk, punch, soda) purple bug plus starting letter (blouse, pant, smite, stick) oct4 blue disney characters (daisy, dale, doc, dory) green small amount (dab, dash, dollop, drop) yellow concavity (dent, dimple, ding, divot) purple ___ date (delivery, dinner, dream, due) oct5 yellow steak cuts (filet, hanger, skirt, t-bone) green kinds of underwear (bikini, g-string, hipster, thong) blue involved in a dentist visit (drill, sink, toothbrush, x-ray) purple brands that have become generic terms (chapstick, jacuzzi, q-tip, xerox) oct6 green things cats do (knead, purr, scratch, shed) purple ___ cheese (cottage, cream, goat, string) yellow turn tail (flee, leave, retreat, withdraw) blue pages on a website (about, contact, home, login) oct7 purple famous primates (bubbles, george, king kong, koko) yellow knucklehead (ding-dong, dodo, yahoo, yo-yo) green car onomatopoeia (beep beep, purr, skrry, vroom) blue sounds of laughter (har-har, hoot, whoop, yuk) oct8 yellow halloween symbols (bat, pumpkin, spider, witch) green prohibit (ban, block, deny, forbid) purple candy ___ (apple, bar, cane, corn) blue found on sheet music (accidental, note, rest, staff) oct9 yellow effervescence (bubbles, fizz, foam, froth) green burgeon (blossom, develop, mature, progress) blue music publications (billboard, mojo, pitchfork, spin) purple ending with tableware (boilerplate, buttercup, jackknife, witherspoon) oct10 yellow body parts (arm, eye, hip, leg) green cool, in '80s slang (bad, fly, ill, rad) purple words in "do-re-mi" (doe, far, sew, tea) blue movies (big, elf, her, saw) oct11 yellow cherish (relish, savor, treasure, value) green quick jump in the pool (dip, dive, splash, swim) purple brashness (brass, cheek, nerve, sauce) blue additional benefit (bonus, extra, frosting, gravy) oct12 blue bird onomatopoeia (coo, gobble, honk, hoot) yellow draped accessories (scarf, shawl, stole, wrap) green tolerate (bear, stand, swallow, take) purple starts of cell phone makers (app, goo, motor, sam) oct13 yellow made of keratin (claw, hoof, horn, nail) green road runner cartoon staples (anvil, boulder, coyote, tnt) blue kinds of pants (capri, cargo, hammer, stirrup) purple ___ roll (california, drum, egg, honor) oct14 yellow rummage (comb, dig, root, sift) green sounds of thunder (clap, peal, roll, rumble) purple things that can have leaves (book, salad, table, tree) blue ways to wear your hair up (braid, bun, pony, twist) oct15 oct16 purple what the outstretched index and middle fingers can represent (peace, scissors, two, victory) blue bit of breakfast cereal (cheerio, flake, pebble, puff) yellow at some future point (eventually, later, next, soon) green parts of a tournament setup (bracket, bye, round, seed) oct17 green deal with (address, answer, field, handle) yellow grassy area (green, lawn, park, yard) blue movies with "s" removed (car, goodfella, jaw, swinger) purple ___ law (criminal, harvard, lemon, natural) oct18 blue non-cash way to pay (card, charge, credit, plastic) purple amazon ___ (kindle, prime, rainforest, river) yellow clunker (bust, dud, flop, miss) green opportunity (chance, shot, time, turn) oct19 yellow bring about (generate, inspire, prompt, provoke) purple video game franchises (civilization, halo, madden, metroid) blue things that might sting (insult, jellyfish, nettle, wasp) green things that are often scented (candle, incense, lotion, soap) oct20 yellow bit of newspaper writing (article, column, feature, story) blue table tennis needs (ball, net, paddle, table) purple homophones of coordinating conjunctions (butt, fore, oar, sew) green noisy disturbance (clatter, racket, row, ruckus) oct21 green attract (draw, grab, hook, pull) blue automatic gear shifter positions (drive, low, neutral, reverse) yellow kinds of beans (kidney, mung, navy, pinto) purple ___pool (car, dead, liver, whirl) oct22 yellow brand-name (designer, haute, high-end, luxury) green devise (concoct, engineer, hatch, mastermind) blue nasa spacecraft (galileo, pioneer, viking, voyager) purple games where you say the game's name (bingo, marco polo, tag, uno) oct23 (#500) blue blue ___ (jay, jeans, moon, whale) green green ___ (beret, goblin, salad, thumb) yellow yellow ___ (cab, jacket, journalism, pages) purple purple ___ (haze, heart, prose, rain) oct24 blue things made by folding paper (airplane, crane, fan, fortune teller) yellow lineup (bill, program, schedule, slate) purple french words (adieu, belle, pain, temps) green nyt offerings (audio, cooking, games,news) oct25 yellow • (dot, period, point, tittle) blue iphone message tapback responses (exclamation points, heart, question mark, thumbs up) green event with dancing (ball, formal, hop, rave) purple "pan" (bad review, camera movement, cookware, satyr) oct26 oct27 blue units (bar, bel, lux, mole) purple the little ___ (mermaid, prince, rascals, tramp) green ambience (air, feeling, mood, quality) yellow sassy (cute, fresh, smart, wise) oct28 green indicate (mean, signify, spell, suggest) yellow audio apps (audible, pandora, shazam, tidal) blue church of england wedding vow verbs (cherish, have, hold, love) purple magic words (abracadabra, please, presto, thank you) oct29 green medical roles (attending, fellow, intern, resident) yellow in pristine condition (mint, new, original, unused) blue singular noun in a famous "julius caesar" line (countryman, ear, friend, roman) purple ___ square (perfect, pocket, times, town) oct30 green things with wheels (dolly, rollerblade, skateboard, wagon) yellow upswing (boom, rise, spike, surge) blue kinds of tape (duct, electrical, gaffer, packing) purple retail chains with a letter changed (best boy, idea, kroner, stables) oct31 green things you can do with your eyelids (bat, blink, flutter, wink) yellow terms of endearment (darling, love, pumpkin, treasure) blue sports cars (diablo, mustang, spider, viper) purple ___ hunt (egg, job, scavenger, witch)