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nov1 purple ___ effect (butterfly, domino, halo, placebo) green ways to order a beer (bottle, can, draft, tap) blue cheesy corn snack unit (ball, curl, doodle, puff) yellow progress slowly (crawl, creep, drag, inch) nov2 yellow seen in a kitchen (counter, fridge, range, sink) green group of advisors (board, cabinet, council, panel) blue core exercises (boat, crunch, mountain climber, plank) purple kinds of earrings (chandelier, drop, hoop, stud) nov3 blue legal session (hearing, inquiry, proceeding, trial) green sneaking suspicion (feeling, hunch, impression, sense) yellow heartwarming (moving, sweet, tender, touching) purple easy ___ (chair, listening, money, street) nov4 purple words with apostrophes removed (cant, id, shell, were) green individuality (being, character, ego, self) blue furniture (chest, console, vanity, wardrobe) yellow equip (furnish, outfit, provision, stock) nov5 blue figures in "shrek" (donkey, dragon, ogre, princess) green things with shells (clam, egg, nut, turtle) yellow things that are fuzzy (caterpillar, fleece, peach, pipe cleaner) purple magic ___ (carpet, kingdom, marker, mushroom) nov6 yellow dvr buttons (pause, play, record, stop) blue communicate through writing (correspond, message, text, write) green groundbreaking (different, new, novel, original) purple things with feet (biped, furniture, poem, yardstick) nov7 green public standing (character, image, name, reputation) yellow food-related jumbles (hash, salad, scramble, stew) blue info on a museum placard (artist, medium, title, year) purple anagrams of famous painters (dial, egads, monte, yoga) nov8 yellow escapade (antic, caper, exploit, stunt) blue risqu'e (adult, blue, spicy, suggestive) green kinds of pickles (dill, kosher, sour, sweet) purple cut the ___ (cheese, cord, deck, mustard) nov9 blue algebra terms (exponent, power, radical, root) green smallest amount (lick, ounce, shred, trace) yellow contorted (bent, gnarly, twisted, warped) purple words before "room" to mean lavatory (bath, powder, rest, throne) nov10 yellow barrel-shaped container (cask, cylinder, drum, tank) green guide (pilot, shepherd, steer, usher) blue n.f.l. team member (cowboy, jet, ram, raven) purple things that swing (golfer, pendulum, saloon doors, swing) nov11 yellow candy bars (crunch, dove, mars, payday) blue kinds of bras (demi, push-up, sports, wireless) purple ___ bird (big, early, lady, sue) green gist (core, meat, substance, thrust) nov12 green vegetable units (clove, floret, spear, stalk) blue laptop specs (ram, resolution, speed, storage) purple features of justice personified (blindfold, robe, scales, sword) yellow complain (bellyache, carp, crab, grumble) nov13 purple words that seem longer written than spoken (colonel, pharaoh, wednesday, worcestershire) green building add-ons (addition, annex, extension, wing) blue concerns for a dentist (calculus, cavity, plaque, tartar) yellow things that are yellow (canary, lemon, minion, mustard) nov14 yellow deplete (drain, empty, exhaust, sap) blue words on a restaurant receipt (signature, tax, tip, total) purple forms of sugar (cube, grain, powder, syrup) green play music with passion (groove, jam, rock, shred) nov15 blue instruments you blow into (jug, pipe, recorder, whistle) green elements of writing (letter, phrase, sentence, word) yellow fissure (crack, hole, leak, puncture) purple ___ of time (nick, passage, sands, waste) nov16 yellow things that prevent leaks (cap, cover, plug, seal) purple go ___ (bananas, commando, figure, rogue) green kinds of hats (beret, derby, pillbox, snapback) blue college football team members (gator, sooner, volunteer, wolverine) nov17 yellow alliance (association, guild, league, union) blue occasions when one might kneel (apology, dubbing, prayer, proposal) purple what an apostrophe might indicate (contraction, foot, possessive, quotation) green close-fitting (clingy, sleek, slinky, snug) nov18 blue things with spots (dalmatian, die, domino, ladybug) purple ___ crab (fiddler, hermit, horseshoe, spider) green monthly expenses (gas, internet, phone, rent) yellow used in hair care (comb, dryer, hairspray, rollers) nov19 yellow area of expertise (concentration, field, focus, specialty) green ways to unlock a device (face, fingerprint, password, pin) blue pasta shapes (ear, elbow, ribbon, wheel) purple double ___ (agent, dribble, jeopardy, standard) nov20 purple organizational structures, metaphorically (chain, ladder, pyramid, tree) green broadcast, as online media (air, play, run, stream) yellow sound like a dog (bark, bay, howl, snarl) blue cocktail-making verbs (garnish, muddle, stir, strain) nov21 green spheres in milk tea (boba, bubble, pearl, tapioca) yellow kinds of shirts (flannel, oxford, polo, tee) blue marine invertebrates, familiarly (coral, jelly, sponge, star) purple starts of pasta names (fett, penn, torte, zit) nov22 blue work communication platforms (meet, slack, teams, zoom) yellow publicity (attention, coverage, exposure, press) green point of view (angle, lens, perspective, position) purple "___ island" (fantasy, love, shutter, treasure) nov23 green secreted by trees (gum, latex, resin, sap) yellow telling of events (account, chronicle, description, story) blue things on sticks (ball-in-cup, corn dog, cotton swab, lollipop) purple black or red (balance sheet, checkers, licorice, roulette) nov24 green what a noun might be (idea, person, place, thing) yellow careen (heave, lurch, pitch, reel) blue electronic dance music genres (ambient, house, jungle, trance) purple words after "ash" (blond, tray, tree, wednesday) nov25 blue parts of a ship (anchor, bow, bridge, deck) yellow attain (earn, land, score, win) purple associated principles in chinese philosophy (expansive, light, masculine, yang) green large group (crowd, flock, host, sea) nov26 green disregard (discount, forget, ignore, overlook) yellow good things to get a work (bonus, equity, promotion, raise) blue kinds of crackers (animal, club, goldfish, ritz) purple featured in "eloise" (eloise, plaza, pug, turtle) nov27 yellow not working reliably (buggy, erratic, glitchy, spotty) green car parts (bumper, grille, mirror, rim) blue what a sitter might sit (baby, house, pet, plant) purple ___ band (boy, rubber, tribute, wedding) nov28 yellow appreciation (credit, praise, recognition, thanks) green fraudster (cheat, con, fake, quack) purple ___ tuesday (fat, giving, super, taco) blue eat voraciously (bolt, down, gobble, scarf) nov29 green units (hertz, mole, second, volt) yellow undertaking (endeavor, enterprise, project, venture) purple first words of hbo shows (boardwalk, curb, game, silicon) blue m.l.b. team member (national, ray, tiger, twin) nov30 yellow dance styles (jazz, modern, swing, tap) green steal (lift, palm, pocket, swipe) blue perform well on (ace, crush, nail, rock) purple ___ball pitches (curve, fast, knuckle, screw)