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noggin unlocked at 1 l2 cost 200xp - mammott l3 ?xp - small bakery l4 450xp - toe jammer, small rock, small tree l5 600xp - meldablend, fire bush, leafstrewn path, worndown path, medium tree, big tree l6 ?xp - reflecting pool, stritch skin, mossy bubblerite path, bubblerite path, medium rock, big rock l7 ?xp - composer island, fwog, drumpler, maw, trox, breeding structure, time machine, recording studio, wild bagpipe, travelers sign, bingo bango bongos, mountain morsel l8 5kxp - tawkerr, parlsona, medium bakery, mini-mine, maximum mine, beeyoot tree, saggle tree, inverdigus sprig, phoni-mine cold island 5k castle upgrade 1 500 ?time beds 5->10 ?xp noggin l1 - 4/min 18max 225 sell l9 ?xp - fire haven, fire oasis, psychic island, faerie island, bone island, light island, magical sanctum, seasonal shanty, amber island, potbelly, shrubb, oaktopus, furcorn, pummel, clamble, bowgart, entbrat, ghazt, shugabush, g'joob, flappy flag, directions to nowhere, checkered bubblerite path, givutawai tree, fandemonium stage maquette, anniversity monuments l10 20kxp - the colossingum, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, toob, pipes of cicado, blue flower path, thumpies totem too, hammock, optiglowbe, cave crystal teleporter castle 2-3 3k - 1h beds10->18 750xp small rock 500 10m 500xp medium rock 10k 8h big rock 15k 12h small tree 100 20s 100xp medium tree 1k 2h 1kxp big tree 2.5k 4h 2.5kxp l11 40kxp - trumplite, smunkin patch, inverdigus path, smunkit collossingum tutorial bum-ble beginnings (req mammott) - rew belt of belting and new trophy pt 1 - opp l1 toejammer; rew 75cxp 15ribbon 200coin 1diamond pt 2 - opp l7 noggin; rew 100cxp 25ribbon mammott l4->5 - 400coin, energy 99->109, health 299->329, learns snow bawl, takes 6m c.l2 200cxp - ice strong against rock castle upgrade 3 15k - 4h 3750xp 28beds l12 75kxp - mythical island, wishing torch, hollow log, bloofi tree, razzli tree, moshroom path, star rockses castle upgrade 4 30k - 6h