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Upper Landing Entrance Hall/Foyer/Grand Staircase Basement Landing UPPER Balcony - Omen Bedroom - Event Tower* - Event You can attempt a Might roll of 3+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving. Gallery - Omen You can choose to fall to the Ballroom if it's in the house. If you do, take 1 die of physical damage. Attic - Event When exiting, you must attempt a Speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 Might (but continue moving). Master Bedroom - Omen GROUND Coal Chute* One-way slide to Basement Landing Graveyard - Event When exiting, you must attempt a Sanity roll of 4+. If you fail, lose 1 Knowledge (but continue moving). Patio - Event Gardens - Event Dining Room - Omen Ballroom - Event BASEMENT Crypt - Event If you end your turn here, take 1 point of mental damage. Stairs from Basement Leads to and from Foyer Furnace Room - Omen If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage. Larder - Item Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 Might. Underground Lake - Event Pentagram Chamber - Omen When exiting, you must attempt a Knowledge roll of 4+. If you fail, lose 1 Sanity (but continue moving). Catacombs* - Omen You can attempt a Sanity roll of 6+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving. Chasm* You can attempt a Speed roll of 3+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving. Wine Cellar - Item UPPER/GROUND Chapel* - Event Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 Sanity. Library - Event Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 Knowledge. Charred Room - Omen Bloody Room - Item Conservatory - Event Collapsed Room* You must attempt a Speed roll of 5+ to avoid falling. If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile and put it in play. You fall there and take 1 die of physical damage. UPPER/BASEMENT Servants' Quarters - Omen Gymnasium - Omen Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 Speed. Vault - Event, 2 Items in Vault You can attempt a Knowledge roll of 6+ to open and empty the vault. Research Laboratory - Event Storeroom - Item Operating Laboratory - Event GROUND/BASEMENT Kitchen - Omen Abandoned Room - Omen UPPER/GROUND/BASEMENT Dusty Hallway Game Room - Event Junk Room* - Omen When exiting, you must attempt a Might roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 Speed (but continue moving). Mystic Elevator* Once per turn, roll 2 dice and move this room next to any open door on: 4 Any floor 3 Upper floor 2 Ground floor 1 Basement 0 Basement, then take 1 die of physical damage Organ Room - Event Creaky Hallway Statuary Corridor - Event