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[bold] Adrenaline Shot [A syringe containing a strange fluorescent liquid.] Before you can attempt a trait roll, you can use this item to add 4 to the result of that roll. Discard this item after you use it. Amulet of the Ages [Ancient silver and inlaid gems, inscribed with blessings.] Gain 1 Might, 1 Speed, 1 Knowledge, and 1 Sanity now. Lose 3 Might, 3 Speed, 3 Knowledge, and 3 Sanity if you lose the Amulet. Angel Feather [A perfect feather fluttering in your hand.] When you attempt a roll of any kind, you can call out a number from 0 to 8. Use that number instead of rolling the dice. Discard this item after you use it. Armor [It's just prop armor from a Renaissance fair, but it's still metal.] Any time (not just once per turn) you take physical damage, take 1 less point of damage. This item can't be stolen. Axe [WEAPON Very sharp.] You roll 1 additional die (maximum of 8 dice) when making a Might attack with this weapon. You can't use another weapon while you're using this one. Bell [A brass bell that makes a resonant clang.] Gain 1 Sanity now. Lose 1 Sanity if you lose the Bell. Once during your turn after the haunt is revealed, you can attempt a Sanity roll to use the Bell: 5+ Move any number of unimpeded heroes 1 space closer to you. 0-4 The traitor can move any number of monsters 1 space closer to you. (If you are the traitor, this result has no effect.) If there is no traitor, all monsters move 1 space closer to you. Blood Dagger [WEAPON A nasty weapon. Needles and tubes extend from the handle... and plunge right into your veins.] You roll 3 additional dice (maximum of 8 dice) when making a Might attack with this weapon. If you do, lose 1 Speed. You can't use another weapon while you're using this one. This item can't be traded or dropped. If it's stolen, take 2 dice of physical damage. Bottle [An opaque vial containing a black liquid.] Once during your turn after the haunt is revealed, you can roll 3 dice and drink from the Bottle: 6 Choose a room and put your explorer there. 5 Gain 2 Might and 2 Speed. 4 Gain 2 Knowledge and 2 Sanity. 3 Gain 1 Knowledge and lose 1 Might. 2 Lose 2 Knowledge and 2 Sanity. 1 Lose 2 Might and 2 Speed. 0 Lose 2 from each trait. Discard this item after you use it. Candle [It makes the shadows move--at least, you hope it's doing that.] If you draw an event card, roll 1 additional die (maximum of 8 dice) for that event's trait rolls. If you have the Bell, Book, and Candle, gain 2 in each trait. The first time you lose one of those 3 items later in the game, lose 2 from each trait. Dark Dice [Are you feeling lucky?] Once per turn, you can roll 3 dice: 6 Move to the location of any explorer not revealed as a traitor. 5 Move one other explorer in the same room into an adjacent room. 4 Gain 1 in a physical trait. 3 Immediately move into an adjacent room (no movement cost). 2 Gain 1 in a mental trait. 1 Draw an event card. 0 Reduce all of your traits to the lowest value above the skull symbol. Discard the Dark Dice. Dynamite [The fuse isn't lit...yet.] Instead of attacking, you can throw the Dynamite through a connecting door into an adjacent room. Each explorer and monster with Might and Speed traits in that room must attempt a Speed roll: 5+ Take no damage from Dynamite. 0-4 Take 4 points of physical damage. Discard this item after you use it. Healing Salve [A sticky paste in a shallow bowl.] You can apply the Healing Salve to yourself or to another living explorer in the same room. If that explorer's Might or Speed is below its starting value, raise one or both traits to its starting value. Discard this item after you use it. Idol [Perhaps it's chosen you for some greater purpose. Like human sacrifice.] Once per turn, you can rub the Idol before making any trait, combat, or event roll to add 2 dice to the roll (to a maximum of 8 dice). Each time you do, lose 1 Sanity. Lucky Stone [A smooth, ordinary-looking rock. You sense it will bring you good fortune.] After you attempt a roll of any kind, you can rub the stone once to reroll any number of those dice. Discard this item after you use it. Medical Kit [A doctor's bag, depleted in some critical resources.] Once during your turn, you can attempt a Knowledge roll to heal yourself or another explorer in the same room: 8+ Gain up to 3 points of physical traits. 6-7 Gain up to 2 points of physical traits. 4-5 Gain 1 point in a physical trait. 0-3 Nothing happens. You can't raise a trait above its starting value with the Medical Kit. Music Box [A hand-crafted antique. It plays a haunting melody that gets stuck in your head.] Once per turn, you can open or close the Music Box. While the Music Box is open, any explorer or monster with a Sanity trait that enters or starts its turn in the same room must make a Sanity roll of 4+. If the roll fails, the explorer or monster ends its turn as it is mesmerized by the music. If an explorer or monster carrying the Music Box is mesmerized, it drops the Music Box. If the Music Box is open when it is dropped, it remains open. Pickpoket's Gloves (not a typo on my end) [Helping yourself has never seemed so easy.] When you are in the same room as another explorer, you can discard this item to take any item that explorer is carrying. Puzzle Box [There must be a way to open it.] Once during your turn, you can attempt a Knowledge roll to open the box: 6+ You open the box. Draw 2 item cards and discard the Puzzle Box. 0-5 You just can't get it open. Rabbit's Foot [Not so lucky for the rabbit.] Once during your turn, you can reroll 1 die. You must keep the second roll. Revolver [WEAPON An old, potent-looking weapon.] You can use the Revolver to attack with Speed instead of Might. (Your opponent then defends with Speed and takes physical damage.) Roll 1 additional die on your Speed attack roll (maximum of 8 dice). With the Revolver, you can attack anyone in the same room or within line of sight (through an uninterrupted straight line of doors). If you attack someone in another room and lose, you don't take damage. You can't use another weapon while you're using this one. Sacrificial Dagger [WEAPON A twisted shard of iron covered in mysterious symbols and stained with blood.] When making a Might attack with this weapon, you roll 3 extra dice (maximum of 8 dice), but you must make a Knowledge roll first: 6+ No effect. 3-5 Lose 1 from a mental trait. 0-2 The dagger twists in your hand! Take 2 dice of physical damage. You can't attack this turn. You can't use another weapon while you're using this one. Smelling Salts [Whew, that's a lungful.] If your or another living explorer's Knowledge is below its starting value, and you're in the same room, you can raise that trait to its starting value by using the Smelling Salts. Discard this item after you use it.